It’s really something quite different. It’s personal investigation… where you will create a deep and lasting relationship with yourself build on honest and clear seeing supported by self-love, compassion and respect so that you can hold that space for others to know themselves intimately, deeply and clearly.
Please download this pdf for information on how to register for the course:
When we practice our authentic self, we heal. When we heal, we deepen our awareness. When we deepen our awareness, we have more compassion. When we have compassion, we have connection. When we have connection, we celebrate. When we celebrate, we are in love with ourselves and the world. When we love ourselves and the world, we heal the world.
Want to confidently teach Yin Yoga? This practice has been dubbed “the fountain of youth” and there is some truth behind this bold claim. The answer lies within your connective tissues of facia, ligament and tendon. So we have come up with a curriculum packed into 4 weekends full of the softer side of Yoga with Yin. Yoga Alliance doesn’t have a category to cover this specialized training, however this 100-hour certification gives you all the tools and concepts used to confidently teach Yin and incorporate meditation. This training has worked with Yoga Alliance standards going on 5 years, and this curriculum honors their outlines and learning matrixes.
Through the powerful practice of Yin Yoga, and by exploring the wisdom of the archetypes of the warrior, healer, teacher, and visionary, we journey into our-self to explore ways in which we can best support our students and others in their life journey with this subtle practice.
These 4 weekend Yin sessions will also embody a different approach to sequencing. In addition, over the span of two months we’ll explore the anatomy of the physical and energetic body and how Yin Yoga transforms us on all levels. With a deep experiential understanding of Yin Yoga, you will feel confident to create a home practice and teach inspiring, transformative, and healing Yin Yoga classes. We examine creative ways and collaborate on approaches to teaching Yin Yoga. Our conversations will cover:
- Techniques, practice & teaching
- Methods of a teacher
- Philosophy, ethics & lifestyle
- Develop body and energy awareness through Yin practice and body meditation
- Deepen our range of perception
- Learn to follow our “inner teacher” and support others to do the same.
- Identify and address our blind spots and “growing edges”
- Explore the use of story, poetry, and metaphors to invite a deeper somatic experience through the elements and meridian lines.
Techniques, Practice & Teaching: Deepen your own understanding while learning how to teach these essentials to others.
- Breakdown of traditional (and a few non-traditional) YIN asanas including alignment and modifications. Includes lecture, demonstration, personal exploration and outside homework.
- Complementary breathing/pranayama techniques to enhance a YIN practice as well as the physiological, mental and emotional benefits of the breathing practices.
- Meditation is the art of stillness and quiet. Learn about the benefits and various methods for meditation including relaxation, guided imagery, and mantras.
Methods of a Teacher: Learn teaching techniques culminated from a decade of experience
- Structure & sequence to create lesson plans and trust-filled environments.
- Hands-on assistance to help participants maximize the benefits of asanas.
Philosophy, Ethics & Lifestyle: Study the rich and ancient history of this self-realization practice.
- Basic history of YIN and primary teachers who brought about its popularity
- The Daosit versus Vedic practice of YIN
- Yamas and niyamas as well as the five kleshas
- Yin and Yang
Anatomy & Physiology: Study the physical and energetic anatomy of the human body.
- The Eastern tradition of chakras, the seven major energy centers of the body.
- The meridian system and how they connect through the body
- Muscles and fascia of the body
- Compression and tension and the fourteen joint segments of the body.
Additional certification requirements:
- Observation and teaching of YIN classes
- Outside homework and essays

Weekend 1
Saturday, February 10
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, February 11
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Weekend 2
Saturday, February 23
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, February 24
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Weekend 3
Saturday, March 2
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, March 3
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Weekend 4
Saturday, March 23
9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Sunday, March 24
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.